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Download the latest SARTrack installation. Requirements: Windows XP or higher.

SAR & HAM users. Please read the USER MANUAL
 Only for SAR users. Read the documentation below.
SAR Voice over IP Talk button.  Read the SARTalk Manual (PDF)

(Optional for SAR users wanting to use Printed Forms)

On an Android device only
First read the App information page
and the Update information page

Download the current Dictionaries for the spell checker.

New Zealand Marine Charts (NZ Server) (550 Mb)  Most of LINZ smaller NZ coastal charts.

If you have installation problems due to anti-virus software complaining, just override this, as there is nothing wrong with the installation packages. Under Windows 10 (Windows Defender) click on "Details" then on "Run anyway".

Search and Rescue users, please read the following important document:

How to install and set up the Database system

(To buy SMS Credits, please use the button in the SARTrack SMS window)

You can download many more OSM Maps in this OSM MAP Example directory.

The direcory contains extra OSM-compatible Maps you can add to the program, including automatic Weather Overlays, etc. by downloading the files, and dropping them into the SARTrack OSMINI directory. Read the README document in for details.

InReach satellite trackers: This document may help setting it up.

Please make a donation to support the ongoing development, on the Donations Page.

Last updated 27 November 2024.
SAREX Southland 1

SAREX Dunedin 1

SAREX Southland 3

   Copyright 2009 - 2020 SARTrack Limited. All Rights Reserved.