SARTrack Update history to
Version 0.9.649 Beta
01 October 2014
- Important
bug fix for SAR users:
The Operations Log would not be properly transfered to other SARTrack
computers over an APRS connection, due to a fault in the decryption
system. This bug was introduces a few versions ago. Please update ALL
your SARTrack computers to this version.
- New Zealand users: The
NZTM coordinates would not display on the Map, if you did not have
SARTrack set up in 'Hobbit' (New Zealand) mode. Which is only possible
if you have installed the 3 Gb of NZ Topo maps. It will now display
NZTM coordinates regardless of the NZ or International version.
- Update of the Polish language file.
Version 0.9.648 Beta
12 September 2014
- New Brazilian Portuguese language added.
Removed Passcode check in APRS 'Local Server', so a passcode is no
longer needed to connect multiple SARTrack computers together on the
local LAN.
0.9.647 Beta
25 August 2014
Operations Log would accept any Log entry when it was transmitted and
received un-encrypted. This normally would never happen,
when I was testing on a server...
Fix: SAR Supervisor password was not saved after change.
- Removed all SQL stuff, as it was not used.
- Safety features in SAR Operations Log added.
Version 0.9.646 Beta
15 August 2014
- NEW: Polish language file added. Select
Setup>Language to change.
- Fixed some issues with colors of Tabs in Teams window.
- Teams window: New option: Right-click on Tab to change Tab Color,
also linked to Track Color on Map.
- Fix: TNC KISS decoding caused data corruption and looping under heavy
load in certain conditions.
Version 0.9.645 Beta
10 July 2014
- Fix: Some errors when changing Operation Log Status.
Fix: During Forward To Internet from a TNC, the Path was incomplete.
This bug was introduced in v0.9.636 during the Unicode conversion.
Improved the SARTrack Installation package. When re-installing over the
top of an existing SARTrack installation, some settings and files where
overwritten, despite the fact that the timestamp of the existing files
where newer than the files in the installation. This is now hopefully
fixed, and all settings and config files should now no longer be
- Improved SARTrack application Icon.
Version 0.9.644 Beta
10 June 2014
SAR Only:
- Fix: SAR Log Status changes did not transmit from Server to Clients,
only other way around.
- Fix: Log Status change to "Mistake" where not transmitted properly.
- Fix: Log Status changes are now transmitted encrypted.
Version 0.9.643 Beta
9 June 2014
- NEW: Added Indonesian language file.
BARU: Ditambahkan file bahasa Indonesia. Mengubah bahasa
Fix: Setup>This_Station: Overlay character as number dit not
correctly. Also added protection against invalid characters entered.
- Fix: Better protection against invalid PHG radiorange data
Version 0.9.642 Beta
4 June 2014
- New: You can now add an Overlay character on your own Station's icon,
in Setup>This_Station.
- Fix: Station Overlay characters where not always rendered or updated.
- Fix: The Message Chatwindow was broken, would not update some of the
- Fix: Additional error recovery in the TNC KISS decoding engine in
case of corrupted serial data.
Version 0.9.641 Beta
3 June 2014
- Fix: When a GROUP Message comes in, it will now open a Chat window
and play a sound.
- Fix: Forwarding from TNC to APRS Internet Servers did not work
Added: Query button. There is a new "Query" button in the Message
window which will send a APRS "Status" request to the selected
Station. SARTrack stations will respond with the Version,
and Windows version.
Version 0.9.640 Beta
30 May 2014
- Various fixes, improvements and safety features in the
Operation Log system.
Version 0.9.638 Beta
27 May 2014
- FIX: Version 0.9.637 had a compability problem with
existing databases (caused by my new compiler). This is restored to
normal in this version. You may not be able to load the databases saved
by version 0.9.637.
- UPDATE: The Update program has been updated. This version will be
able to load all language files.
- NEW: German language now available. To get this now, download and
install the latest SARTrack installation package at http://www.sartrack.nl/downloads/sartrack_inst.exe
. Just re-install over the top of the existing installation.
Then in Setup>General select the German language.
SAR Only:
- FIX: When Historic Data was loaded, it would Expire some Stations and
Objects during load.
- FIX: Switching between Active Operations, and/or Historical data
would mis switching some databases.
- Added more protection against user errors in the switching of
NEW: The Operations Log now saves all Log Entries in a TEXT based
logfile, which is appended on a entry-by-entry basis. This means that
whatever happens, except a complete harddisk crash, the Log will always
be available for printing. The file is stored in the
\Documents\SARTrack\ directory, and called
0.9.637 Beta
25 May 2014
- Bug fix. The Setup window did not close due to an
internal error.
Version 0.9.636 Beta
20 May 2014
FIX: The Update program from version 0.9.635 does not work! You MUST
Update SARTrack by downloading and installing the full SARTrack package
from the website at http://www.sartrack.nl/downloads/sartrack_inst.exe.
- Fix: AIS decoding debug Log reported incorrect warning.
Unicode: SARTrack should now be fully compatible with Unicode. This
means that Messages and Logs with special Unicode (Polish, Russian,
etc) characters should now be transmitted and received correctly.
- Encryption now also supports Unicode strings.
- The Registration file has been replaced with an unicode version.
SARTrack is now capable of switching languages. Volunteer Translators
for several countries are currently working on the translation, and
these will be added as soon as they are (more or less) complete.
- Windows 8 Tablets and Touch screens: Improved touch Zooming in the
OSM Map window.
SAR version only:
NEW: Operations Menu window. In the Main Menu window, the button "SAR
Log" has been replaced with "Operations". This button will open the new
"Operations Menu" window, which by default appears direct under the
Main Menu window, and will replace the Connection Menu at that location
if this is showing.
From the new Operations Menu, you can now open
all the SAR Operations related windows: The main "SAR Log" window, the
"Time Line" (Whiteboard) window, the new "Teams" window and the
"Overview" window (previousely called "Log Status" window)
- NEW:
TEAMS window. You can now monitor the status of your Teams in a special
Tabbed window. The Tabs have the same color as the 'Track Color' on the
Map window (if available), and the Tab will _flash_ when new data comes
in for that Team. The Tabs are linked to the "Reference" field in the
Operations Log. As some of these references may not be Teams at all,
you can _hide_ any Tab which you do not require.
PASSWORD. A Supervisor Password is now required to be able to
start or close SAR Operations. The first time you open the main SAR
Operations window, a large information box will appear, and require you
to enter a Supervisor Password. As SARTrack currently does not have a
central database, you should FIRST bring all other SARTrack computers
online, so they are all connected. This can also be done over the
Internet APRS-IS network. Then, when you enter the new Password, all
other computers will be set as well. Any SARTrack computers in your
Group which are NOT online at the time, MUST be set to the same
password manually later, else a Password conflict will arise.
Please make SURE that the entering of the first Supervisor Password is
done by a person who is allowed to start and close SAR Operations in
- Fix: SAR Log: Reception of very large Log entries would not rebuild
the Line Breaks for display.
- New: SAR main Log window: A body of a large Log entry will now be
shown at the start of the Log entry, not at the end.
Version 0.9.635 Beta
11 April 2014
libraries updated to version 1.0.1g to fix the Heartbleed Bug ( http://heartbleed.com/
). NOTE that these are the OpenSSL libraries used by SARTrack
ONLY, there may be other programs on your computer which have their own
(old) copies of the SSL libaries in use. Make sure to update
Windows, and all your Web browser, Email and other programs.
Fix: When Weather overlays where loaded, they did not immediately
refresh, only after the automatic timing was run (which can be 15
- Added: Option to attach the configuration file during a Debug report.
- Other: Some internal changes.
0.9.634 Beta
4 April 2014
Fix: When using an Extended Desktop, (Extra monitor or video
projector), SARTrack will now correctly replace any Map windows on the
second monitor, after a restart. Also, will now save the Window State
(Minimized, Maximized) between sessions.
- Fix: ACK Messages where
sometimes also transmitted over Radio, while the originating message
came from a Station via Internet.
- Beacon: In
Setup>This_Station there are now two settings for the Beacon
Interval: Normal and when a GPS is connected. The new defauls are 15
minutes for normal operation, and 1 minute when a GPS is connected (for
mobile operation).
- Fix: Bulk download would not save the database after the download, if
it not already existed on disk to start with.
- Fix: Overlay characters on Station Icons did not work.
Sending of SMS messages (from the Message window) is now enabled in SAR
mode, but this only works when connected to a private SARTrack APRS
server. Please note that SARTrack Limited has to PAY for the sending of
SMS messages, so only use when really needed.
- New: The popup
information balloon for Objects has an extra Info line. When extra
information is available, this will be displayed there. When the
information exceeds the size of the balloon, you can read all
information by hovering the mouse pointer over the info line. AIS
vessel objects now display the vessel type, size, destination and radio
callsign in the popup balloon, and also in the Information field of the
Objects window. LKP circle systems (SAR only) now display the
Initial Direction of Travel there.
SAR Only:
Fixed a whole range of issues with the SAR Operations Log, including
the Export files. Internal changes now make sure that any
incoming Log entries will only be added to the Active Operation Log for
which they are intended, as every Log entry now also has the Operation
Name attached.
Version 0.9.632 Beta
18 March 2014
Only: Critical bug fix: The SAR Group ID number would get corrupted
during transmission, only with certain ID numbers, and only with
certain Unicode used by Windows (depending on the Country you are in).
The GroupID code in encrypted messages and most importantly,
Operations Log is now transmitted in a different format to prevent
this. All SAR
users, make
sure you update ALL your computers to this version, as this system is
not backwards compatible with the previous versions.
0.9.631 Beta
16 March 2014
- Fix: Mic-E decoding now decodes Custom status properly, and will not
cause an Alarm on a Custom-6 message.
- Fix: Objects Timestamps where not decoded propery from APRS servers,
would cause immediate Timeouts to occur.
- Objects window would no refresh after timeout of objects.
- Fixed some issues with AIS decoding.
- Improved performance in the Objects database (especialy when there
are many Objects)
Change: AIS (Vessel Tracking) packets, when Forwarded to Internet, will
only be forwarded with a minimum interval of 60 seconds. AIS Packets
are transmitted every 10 seconds, which is causing a to heavy load on
the APRS system.
NOTE that it is NOT ALLOWED to forward AIS
packets to the global APRS-IS Amateur Radio network. You are only
allowed to forward these Vessel Trackers to PRIVATE APRS Servers, or
the FireNet network.
- Various other fixes.
0.9.630 Beta
11 March 2014
- New: The time the popup Info balloon will stay on the Map can now be
set in Setup>Maps. Default 10 seconds.
- Fix: AGWPE Connect was not saved between sessions.
- Fix: Decode FleetSync was broken
- Fix: 2 bugs in OSM Bulk DownLoad.
Version 0.9.629 Beta
7 March 2014
- Fix: Check for multiple SARTrack Servers on
the LAN did not work. I now checks for both the local APRS server, and
the SQL Server.
AIS decoding: Added Message Type 18 and 24 to decode position reports
of Class B CS vessels. Also added message type 9, which decodes Search
and Rescue Aircraft, with an AIS Tracker onboard.
- Fix: The Object Information field sometimes contained data from the
previous Object send by same station.
Change: Import of GPX file Tracks will now convert these into *Objects*
instead of Stations. Should have been like that from day one. Don't
know what I was thinking at the time.
- Fix: GPX Tracks and Waypoints with comma's in the names and
references would not decode.
- NEW: New Track rendering. The Tracks on all the Maps will now
by default
look different. They are now 4 pixels wide, with the Waypoints as a 4
pixel wide Dot inside the Track, in an inverted color. They are always
visible, regardless of the Zoom level.
If you don't like it,
you can change back to the original system, with the optional track
width, and Waypoint which are large Dots, but which are only visible
from Zoom lever 14 and higher. To change the Track Type, in the Map
Options, select "Map Setup" and change the Track Type. (1) = original;
(2) = new format.
NOTE that the "Options>Tracks Show only Waypoints" will override
the Track Type settings (until the next restart).
Version 0.9.628 Beta
25 February 2014
New: SARTRack will now update the Last Heard date/time from Stations
(Repeaters) which are in the PATH of the incoming APRS packet. This
means that Digipeaters from which no _beacon_ is received, will still
be updated in the Stations list, when they are repeating a packet from
another station. It does require that the station (Digipeater) in the
PATH already exists as a station in the stations list, that is, a
Beacon must first have been received from it. A Digipeater which does
NOT send out any beacon from itself, will not show up in the list, even
if it does appear in the PATH of another repeated Station.
- Fix: An
Object which was removed (hidden) and then re-activated by another
station, would not always re-appear on the Map, despite the fact it was
marked as 'Active' in the Object list.
- Fix: The Passcode Request button in Connections_Setup>IServer
did not work.
New: 'Maps>Options>Tracks Show only Waypoints'. When
only the Waypoints of any tracker will be shown, and not the connecting
lines. This setting is NOT saved on exit. (Note: Right-click on a
Waypoint will give information about it)
Version 0.9.626 Beta
20 February 2014
- Fix: TNC Baudrate could not be changed.
- Fix: When removing an Object, if would not remove on other computers
SAR Only: Rewritten the Warning system. When an Emergency or Priority
beacon is reaceived, or a 'Panic button' signal from a GPS Microphone,
the Warning box will appear on the screen. The system can now cope with
multiple Warnings at the same time. A Warning Object will be created at
the location where the beacon was first received, so even if the
originating Tracker moves away, the original location is still on the
screen. From the Warning box, you can select various options to deal
with the situation.
- Other minor bugs fixed.
Version 0.9.625 Beta
15 February 2014
Fix: AIS: Critical bug in the AIS decode system, where the AIS vessels
where not plotted unless 'ForwardToInternet' was enabled, which is
exactly what it should NOT do. AIS data should NOT be forwarded to the
APRS-IS network due to the massive amount of data being transmitted.
- Fix: SATTime did not refresh on Stations
- Fix: Compressed APRS location data was not properly decoded for
- Fix: The Connection_Setup>TNC>Edit_TNC button did not
work. Now it does.
Fix: Transmission of PolyLines (Search areas etc) has been improved.
Polylines transmissions are now saved between sessions, will
re-transmit correctly after an Edit, and the 'Ownership' can be changed
without problems.
- New: SARTrack will do a _cleanup_ on startup.
If more than 30 Debug files are found, it will ask you if you want to
delete them. Just say Yes.
NEW: From the NEXT Update, SARTrack Update will download all files from
the European server, instead of the New Zealand server. This will be
faster for most users. Also fixed an intermittant error in the Update
prpgram which would cause errors to occur, while in fact the download
was successful.
- SAR Only: Changed: The 'Update' button
on the Map windows, which will request an Update from another SARTrack
computer for available Objects, Tracker details and Polylines, will now
only work for the local SAR Group-ID. That is, SARTrack computers from
another SAR Group will not respond to the request. This change is not
backwards compatible with earlier versions of SARTrack, you must Update
ALL your SARTrack computers to the latest version.
0.9.624 Beta
11 February 2014
Fix: Overhauled the 'Object Time' system. Due to the fact all Objects
supply the Object Time in a different way, this got really messy. It
should now work more consistently. This affects the Timeout and Expire
of Objects, especially Tracking Objects like satellite trackers, GPS
Microphones etc.
- Fix: Some improvements of the Manage IFeeds window.
Added: IFeeds>InReach_trackers can now set up Time conversion
the website is not reporting the time in UTC but instead a "Local
Time". SARTrack
***STRONGLY*** recommends that you setup the Time reporting of InReach
trackers to UTC!
Having the website reporting on some Local timezone will make it nearly
impossible for any users NOT in YOUR local timezone to make it work
correctly, unless they set the offset up manually AND it is not
changing due to Daylight saving. Trackers will incorrectly be
considered expired (and will not show at all) or TimeOut and will
appear with a yellow warning label when the (calculated) UTC time is
You can find this in the DeLorme website, under: My Personal Info;
At the bottom is the Time
Zone selection. Set to UTC.
- Fix: Tracks would dissapear from the screen when zooming in to far.
This will no longer happen.
- Fix: AIS decoding via COM port would not work.
Change: When SARTrack Beta expires after 2 months, it will allow you to
run it for another 2 months, before refusing to run. While SARTrack is
in BETA and under heavy development, please UPDATE regularly, and make
sure ALL your PC's run the same version, to avoid incompabilities.
- Lots of smaller bug fixes and improvements.
Version 0.9.623 Beta
7 February 2014
Fix: After adding a Line (PolyLine, Search Area) the Map windows and
Object window where not refreshed, so the Line would not show up there.
Fix: In the Google window, Icons would not be found on right-click.
NOTE: The Google window has never worked very well, as it is based on
Google Static Maps, which is extremely limited. Please use the standard
OSM window instead, and use one of the Satellite Maps available (with
the Google Features Overlay if required)
- Fix: Stations and Objects
which are tracked with a satellite timestamp, are now protected from
getting updates with an out-of-date timestamp, which would cause
invalid tracks to appear on the maps.
- Fix: Station and Object Tracks sometimes would not show on Maps.
- Fix: AGWPE and AISTCP Panels could not be hidden in the Connection
Menu. Now they can.
Added: In the Main Setup, I have added a Tab to get into the
Connections Setup, as some people cannot seem to find it. (The right
way is: Click on the mini Connect panel at the bottom of the Main Menu
to open the Connect Panel, and on the top you can click on the
Connection Setup button)
- Fix: In Setup>Maps changing the MaxTrackParts did not work.
- Fix: Editing the Overlay Character in Edit Object was not saved
- NEW:
GPS Microphone interface for "GPSMic". The data from this GPS mike can
now be decoded, and SARTrack can send Poll (Location request) to the
GPS Mikes in the field. Right-click on the Tracker Object, and select
'Request Position from..."
Please read the new document about Tracking with GPS
microphones, Track your Teams With GPS Mikes
I also updated the document: How To Track Your Teams.
Added more information on SmartPhone trackers and extended
pro's and con's of GPS Mike trackers and satellite trackers.
0.9.622 Beta
1 February 2014
The Google window works again... Google had dropped the API for
Sartrack Limited for the Static Maps, I have no idea why that happened.
I re-activated it, and all works as before.
- Fix: Map popup Info balloon now shows how long ago Station was heard
in hours, minutes and seconds.
- Added: The popup Info balloon now also shows this for Objects
(Especially moving Object Trackers)
Fix: The Debug log will now scan for multiple identical Debug entries,
and stop adding these to the Debug log. Instead it will do a count and
report the amount of identical Debug entries. This will stop an
overload when a stack of identical errors occur.
- Fix: In
Maps>Options>Show_only_Trackers now also includes Tracker
(Satellite trackers, GPS Mikes,FleetSync etc.) Note that all these
trackers are converted into Objects, and can therefore be found in the
Objects window, not in the Stations window.
- Fix: Editing a Station (Tactical, TrackColor) would not transmit
these changes to other SARTrack computers.
- Lots of other minor fixes and improvements.
Change: I have disabled ForwardToInternet for AIS feeds from the
Internet. You can now only forward AIS (shipping) data to the APRS if
you have your own AIS receiver.
- Change: The filenames and location of the database files have been
changed. They will be moved automatically on startup.
The Priority Warning window (which pops up when a MIC-E message with
'Priority or Emergency is received) now has additional buttons: 'Clear'
and 'Show on Map'. Clear will reset the station to its normal settings.
However, when a NEW Priority packet is received, it will come back.
'Block' will block the station permanently.
NEW: Added new GPS Microphone decoding, "GPSMic". More on this specific
microphone will be posted in the SARTrack Google group and SAR maillist
SAR Only: The SAR Operations Log has been changed. It can
now be closed,
after which SARTrack will behave as in HAM mode. The Operations Log must
be closed after a maximum of 2 weeks, SARTrack will ask for this on
Startup. More info on this in the Google Forum and SAR mailing list.
0.9.621 Beta
24 January 2014
- Fix: Did not decode a Station Information field if a Tactical was
also present.
- Fix: Added IFeeds to the new Connection Menu, because if you closed
the IFeeds Panel there was no way to get it back :)
- Added extra row to mini Connection status at bottom of Main Menu.
Fix: OSM Map Tiles which do not exist on the Servers, are now properly
marked in the database, so the system does not retry to download them
all the time. This gives a major performance improvement in those
- Fix: Decoding of Objects did not decode the Course, only the speed.
- More internal improvements in the Connections Setup window.
- The popup Info balloon on the OSM and NZTopo maps will now disappear
after 5 seconds.
NEW: AIS Vessel Position decoding. You can now connect to an AIS
Receiver, OR an AIS Internet Server, and display ships position on the
maps. Read the Help on AIS for more details.
Version 0.9.620 Beta
20 January 2014
- Improved performance during loading of the Station list, and the
processing of Expiry and Timeouts.
- Fixed internal beacon so that your own location shows on the map.
- Fixed new bug where LKP Circle system from another computer was not
properly decoded.
Added new button in the Operations Log, 'New Log Entry', "Edit" which
will enable you to add a new 'Log Type / TimeLine' on the fly, while
entering data in the Log.
Version 0.9.619 Beta
19 January 2014
Fixed font size in Status Bar's of Map windows. Now smaller so you can
see all data. Also prevents Microsoft to override the size.
- Fixed
a range of issues relating to Objects. Standard Objects can now have
their Icon and Overlay character changed after they have been set
initially. The Add_Object and Edit_Object windows now have the Overlay
Character working properly.
- Tracker Objects which have been
converted from IFeeds, Kenwood FleetSync and GPS Microphones can now
have their Icon, TrackColor and Tactical call changed, and they will
stay that way even if the original Tracker data is stil transmitting
the default Icon, Tactical etc.
- Fixed critical error where the
Automatic Server connect did no longer work, due to the SQL database
development having left behind an incorrect internal setting.
- Fixed bugs in the new Connection Settings menu.
- Removed the separate 'Internet' Beacon from the system. There is now
only one Beacon.
Version 0.9.618 Beta
18 January 2014
- Fixed the problem with the mini connection panel not displaying
properly sometimes.
0.9.616 Beta
17 January 2014
- Fixed issue with Beacon timing after a GPS was connected and then
- Fixed Ifeeds (Internet Feeds) Decode Timestamp for InReach data.
Change: IFeeds with expired Trackers will be dropped immediately,
instead of being reloaded every time and _then_ expired, which also
caused the Operations Log to fill up with automatic entries. Only
non-expired Tracker objects will now show in the Objects window. Timed
out Objects will show in yellow. Expiry and Timeout can be changed in
- Fixed issue with automatic Operation Log entries failing when to
close together (all in the same 1 milisecond).
- Removed excessive debug data in IFeeds, improving performance.
- Added new decoder for the 'WinTec' GPS Microphone (pre-2007 model).
More GPS Microphone decoders are on the way.
- Lots of internal changes and fixes .
- Completely new Menu
system for all TCP and COM Port connections for Tracking devices.
SARTrack can now decode not just APRS data, but also data from Kenwood
FleetSync radios, Satellite Trackers, GPS Microphones and shortly also
AIS shipping tracking data.
To accomodate this, all Connection
panels are now in a sepparate window, which is tacked below the Main
Menu window, but which can also be moved elsewhere on the screen. If it
is tacked under the Main Menu, it will move with the Menu.
At the
bottom of the Main Menu is now a mini panel with 8 colored blocks,
which shows the connection status of all available devices. By clicking
on this panel, the main Connection window can be toggled on and off.
Moving your mouse over it will show the connection status of all
On the new Connection window, you can click on any of
the available panels, and select Connect/Disconnect, Hide Panel and
Setup Device. The latter will open a brand new Setup window for
Connections only, where you can set up all devices. All Connection
settings have been removed from the main Setup window.
HAM users
will now also be able to use all these options, but if you do not want
to see all the connection panels you don't need, select 'Hide Panel'
and it will dissapear.
To get a hidden panel back, click on the
Setup button on top of the Connections window to open the Connection
Setup, and connect to the device. This will re-activate the panel for
that device.
Please report any
problems with the new Menu system.
Version 0.9.614 Beta
4 January 2014
- Fix: TNC and GPS Setup did not show COM port on open.
- Fix: Touch Screen/Tablet Panning did not refresh the Maps.
GPS: Added baudrate 38400 for the GPS port. NOTE: I recommend using the
standard 4800 baud if possible, as this greatly reduces the load of
decoding the GPS data.
- Fix: Importing GPX file did not decode Waypoints due to internal
Partial fix: Trying to prevent Windows overriding the Font size in
SARTrack windows, as this caused Menu's to become unreadable when the
global font size is increased by 125% or 150%. I cannot fully prevent
this under Windows 7 and 8. Still working on it. I recommend that you
do not use
the Windows option to increase the Font size.
- Fix: Setup>Stations. Now use pulldown menu for Station select,
and prevent blocking when changing the Setup Tab.
SAR Only: In OSM Map>Update I removed the 'All Stations' from
list. This button broadcasts a request for additional information to
another SARTrack computer on Stations, Objects and PolyLines, but
having ALL SARTrack stations reply to such a request proved to be a bad
idea. You now must select a specific Station to request the data from.
Note that this feature will currently not work for Polylines, this will
be fixed later.
- Cleaned up the Stations window. Will now only show
data in fields when it is valid, else fields will stay empty or say
- Added warning when the private APRS Server
"sartrack.co.nz" is selected from Setup/Server. This APRS Server is for
New Zealand SAR groups only. SAR groups in the rest of the world should
use the "sartrack.nl" server, which is located at a major international
Internet hub in the Netherlands.
- Disabled "Windows Themes" in the
compiler. This was unexpectedly enabled when upgrading to the latest
compiler, and is causing various display problems. This also means that
all the Buttons in the program default back to their 'old' shape.
Version 0.9.613 Beta
6 December 2013
- More fixes in missing Color labels due to compiler bug.
0.9.612 Beta
1 December 2013
- Fix (Already done in Version 0.9.611): Mouse Pointer
would dissapear in SARTrack after using "Show Mouse Pointer".
- Fix: Google Map Window: Option "Terrain" did not work.
Fix: A bug in the new Compiler caused many "Color Labels" in various
windows to stay gray, instead of showing the selected Color. A
work-around has fixed this issue.
Version 0.9.611 Beta
27 November 2013
- Improved database recovery in Stations and Objects in case of file
- Fix: TNC Modem and AGWPE "Forward-To-Internet" settings better
enforced (Check your Setup)
- Fix: Beacon without coordicates would not transmit the Tactical call.
- Fix: Delete Polyline would not delete Object in Object window.
- Fix: Add LKP/PLS Ring system would not immediately transmit over
- Fix: "This Station" Tactical callsign would get tactical from an
Object, if not already set.
- Fix: TNC, GPS and Kenwood Serial Port range extended from 40 to 60.
- Fix: Local Server would not allow connections from Clients with
Callsign-SSID when Local Server used SSID -0.
Fix: Server Automatic connect will now re-scan for a local SARTrack
server if the connection fails, instead of trying the same IP address
all the time.
- CHANGE: The Local Server now
**REQUIRES** a valid APRS PassCode during Login!
It will no longer allow a connection with an invalid or "0" PassCode
from a Client. Note that the PassCode for any callsign is the same
regardless of the SSID used, eg MYCALL, MYCALL-1, MYCALL-15 all have
the same PassCode.
0.9.610 Beta
7 November 2013
- Fix: Beacon no longer transmits version number. Also no longer
transmits Speed or Altitude if these are zero.
- Fix: At smooth Zooming (Setup>Maps>FastZoom off) the
overlays where not properly positioned on the OSM map.
Fix: Tactical calls: Xastir compatible system is now by default OFF,
and can be enabled in Setup>This_Station. This should ONLY be
when there is a real requirement for the SARTrack Tactical names to be
broadcast to the Xastir and APRSISCE/32 programs. When you only use
SARTrack, do not tick this option.
- Fix: Edit Object would not refresh the TrackColor.
0.9.609 Beta
3 November 2013
NEW: Windows-8 TABLET and TouchScreen support. SARTrack now has limited
support for Touch Screens. SARTrack will detect when you have a Tablet.
It will ask you if you wish to switch to TABLET mode. If you do, extra
large Icons will be used in the Map windows, and you can now Zoom with
the two-finger 'squeeze' movement. This is only available in the main
OSM window and the NZ-Topo window, NOT in the Google window. The Touch
Screen features are work-in-progress, not all SARTrack features will
work properly on a Tablet, because the inherited limitations of the
device, specifically: no Mouse pointer and no Mouse Movement detection.
can emulate the 'right-click' by Touch-and-Hold your finger on the
item. On the Maps, this will cause the usual Popup Menu to appear. In
TABLET mode, the Setup>General>FastZoom is ignored: It
always zoom smooth when using the two-finger movement, however, the
Zoom-In and Zoom-Out buttons will always zoom 'Fast', per OSM Zoom
The Tablet larger pixel Icons are very simple... I would be
very interested if anybody would be able to design new Icons for
SARTrack... Email me if you could help.
- Improved Zooming and
Panning in the OSM window. More work has been done to make the Zooming
faster, when Setup>General>FastZoom is disabled (smooth
Setup>General>Active_Panning is also better. More work is
done in this area.
- Fix: Replay Date/Time window now correctly displays in Local time,
instead of UTC.
Fix: GPS and some Trackers: Decode NMEA data with irregular Lat/Long
data length is now decoded correctly. This affected some types of GPS
- TimeLine: Added protection limit for entries to far in the future (1
- TNC Terminal now leaves Setup window open for convenience.
- Lots of smaller fixes.
I changed the order of the Menu Icons in the Map windows, so group them
better. You may find it a bit confusing at first, I did, sorry about
that :) Had to be done because of the TABLET Icons.
Version 0.9.608 Beta
30 October 2013
- GPS Port can now set the Baudrate.
Version 0.9.607 Beta
28 October 2013
- TCP Client which connects to an APRS Server will now
accept Linux-style EOL lines, with only Ascii #10 at as EndOfLine.
- Fix: Local Maps where sometimes rendered in the background while not
- Fix: The Popup Details window no longer pops up on Hidden Objects and
- Fix: Disconnect Modem from Main Menu did not work.
- Fix: Prevent negative altitude in beacon transmission.
- SAR Only: Fix: SAR Log>New_Active_Log button was disabled and
Version 0.9.606 Beta
14 October 2013
Objects: Add and Edit now have option "Broadcast Object" which is by
default enabled. When un-checked the Objects will stay on the local
computer only.
- Fix: Kenwood Fleetsync did not decode the transmitted TimeStamp
- New Zealand TopoMap: Added full LKP/PLS Circle system.
- New Zealand TopoMap: Added Popup Details window.
- Fix: Transmit Message Bulletins used wrong identifier
- Fix: Replay would not start.
Fix: Xastir Tactical transmission will send Cancel message when
Tactical deleted. Also will not accept Tactical call which is the same
as Callsign.
Version 0.9.604 Beta
11 October 2013
- Added Xastir Decoding/Encoding of Tactical Calls, so SARTrack and the
programs Xastir/APRX+SA are now compatible in that area.
This Update includes two DLL (Libraries) for OpenSSL (Secure Shell)
which SARTrack requires to make secure HTTPS connecttions. These should
have been included from version 0.9.600, else some of the new IFeeds
will not work. The libraries will be copied into SARTrack's EXE
0.9.603 Beta
10 October 2013
- Added more
safety features in new IServer Connect system (DNS server) and fixed a
- Fix: Tracks of objects would re-appear on restart, after they where
Fix: Multi-part Lines will now also be transmitted over Radio, when
"Setup>General>Send Objects Over Radio" is enabled (NOT
recommended for normal use)
- Fix: Object windows "Last Change" fixed for Objects missing Year and
Month information.
- OSM Map: Improved Details Window popup: Will show when multiple Icons
are under the mouse pointer.
- Fix: OSM Map tiles where not properly saved on program exit.
- Fix: Local Maps did not render.
SAR only: Added "Forward To Internet" and "Forward To Radio" to the
Kenwood Fleetsync connection. You can now prevent SARTrack of
transmitting the incoming Kenwood Fleetsync radios to the Internet or
Radio (via TNC).
Version 0.9.602 Beta
6 October 2013
- Bug Fix: IServer would sometimes not resolve the IP
address of the APRS Server.
New: IFeed Trackers now Expire and TimeOut according to Setup/Timeouts:
Tracker Objects. When they TimeOut, the label and Object Window entry
will turn yellow. When they Expire, they will be Hidden from the Maps,
but on program exit they will NOT be saved, and dissapear completely.
Version 0.9.601 Beta
5 October 2013
- Bug Fix: IServer connect failed to connect to plain IP
0.9.600 Beta
4 October 2013
- This
version of SARTrack has been completely re-written for the
internal use of "Unicode Strings" instead of the old "Ansi Strings".
All 100,000+ lines of code.
was unfortunately required to make it compatible with various new
modules which are now being used, as well to make SARTrack futureproof.
While many small bugs have been found during the process, it is
possible some new bugs have been introduced. Please check all functions
of SARTrack which you normally use, and REPORT ANY PROBLEMS immediately
(Using Debug/Report Bug).
following internal databases are no longer compatible with the previous
versions: Stations, Objects and Messages. These will be deleted when
you start this version. The original (and backed-up) "SARLog" databases
will stay accesible. Sorry for any inconvienience.
Please read through the
following information, so you know about the new features:
- FIX: Local Server now prevents Login from other computer with same
Local Server now detects if another SARTrack computer on the local LAN
is also set up as a Server, and will warn the user to disable one of
- Fix: Decode NMEA data did not decode $GPGGA properly.
- Fix: Track Waypoint Infobox missed Callsign after restart.
- Fix: Changed minimum vertical accepted Desktop size from 600 to 576.
- Fix: TNC KISS decoding failed when the Path was empty.
- Objects window changed. Added Speed and Course for moving Objects.
Objects window now shows the "Last Change" time of the Object, instead
of Last Heard transmission time. Last Heard is now available after the
Information field.
- Objects window: Manual Filter will now update screen while you type.
NOTE: Case sensitive.
- Stations window: Manual Filter will now update screen while you type.
NEW: IFeeds (Internet Feeds). SARTrack can now connect to Satellite
Tracking (and other Internet) Servers, and decode several Satellite
Tracking systems. This currently includes: InReach, GuardianMobility
(AFF), SpiderTracks and Spot. Also added the USA "National Weather
Service Storm Spotters". Click on the IFeeds panel, Manage IFeeds, and
select the Help to read about the use of the various systems.
- NEW:
IServer connect can now rotate through multiple IP addresses (Servers),
when using the APRS-IS address of "rotate.aprs2.net". Use Port 14580.
The IServers masterfile, which includes this address plus the sartrack
private servers, will also be updated.
OSM Map window: Performance improvements in the rendering time. Also
fixed a bad Bug. The **Zooming** can now be switched from Fast to
Detailed. By default it is now in Fast mode. This means that when
Zooming, the OSM map will step direct from one OSM level to another,
without going through the 10 intermediate detailed steps. For many PC's
this will be a better option. You can change this behaviour in
Setup/Maps. Note that I am still working on improving the
rendering speed of the OSM Map window.
- NEW: Information balloon
will popup when hovering over an Station or Object Icon on the OSM map
(NZ Topo Map will follow). When there are more than one Icons under the
mouse, right-click on the icon, select the Station or Object, and then
select Details.
You can switch the automatic popup off in Setup/Maps.
SAR Only: Fixed bug in Local Filters (Setup/SAR) where each time you
would go into Setup/SAR the same lists would duplicate in the PullDown
box, as it did not clear the old list on Show.
- SAR Only: "New SAR Operation" window now checks if Operations name
already exists.
- SAR Only: Added SQL to Main Menu, and fixed some allignment issues.
NOTE: The SQL system is not yet ready, and not enabled.
Update Program: This has been changed so it will only Update HAM users
when SARTrack HAM/General features are updated, NOT when SAR specific
features are updated. Also several bug fixes.
0.9.563 Beta
18 September 2013
- Fix: Waypoint information on Station and Object Tracks
was missing (right-click on track-waypoint).
Version 0.9.562 Beta
17 September 2013
- Fix: problem with minimum accepted Monitor Size now fixed.
- SAR only: FIX: New bug from v0.9.561: Could not change the GroupID in
0.9.561 Beta
4 September 2013
- FIX: Local Server now prevents Login from other computer with same
- Fix: Decode NMEA data did not decode $GPGGA properly.
- Fix: Track Waypoint Infobox missed Callsign after restart.
- Fix: Changed minimum vertical accepted Desktop size from 600 to 576.
- Improved performance of rendering large amounts of Overlays (Icons,
Tracks, etc.)
SAR Only: Fixed bug in Local Filters (Setup/SAR) where each time you
would go into Setup/SAR the same lists would duplicate in the PullDown
box, as it did not clear the old list on Show.
Version 0.9.560 Beta
18 August 2013
- Fixed Font type in Main Menu. Please report if the Main Menu does not
look correct in your country.
- Fixed reported problem (with beacon coordinates) in countries who use
a comma as decimal delimiter.
- SAR only: Additional check for Object character CaSe in Object names.
SAR only: Stations, Objects and Messages are NO LONGER EXPIRING. They
will stay in the database permanently, until a new "Search" is
initiated, after which the databases will be backed up completely,
together with the Operations Log. These can then be reloaded in
read-only mode for later evaluation. In HAM mode Stations, Objects and
Messages will expire according to the Expire settings (in
- SAR only: On request, added new option in
Setup/General: "Send Logs Over Radio". This option is for Emergency
situations only, where (Internet) infrastructure has failed. In this
situation it is now possible to use RADIO for all Operations Logs
between SARTrack computers. This option should NEVER be used in normal
SAR operations, as it may overload the APRS radio channel.
When APRS Repeaters/Gateways are used in this situation, these should
be set up to repeat/gateway _ALL_ APRS packets, not only position
reports and Messages to local stations.
- Started the
development of the SQL Database system for SAR use. In this Update all
SQL modules are loaded in the SARTrack executable. This has made the
EXE a bit bigger, but it should not affect the SARTrack in HAM mode, or
in SAR mode with SQL disabled. However, please report any problems
immediately. Note that while the SQL setup is now visible in the
Setup/SAR window, it is not yet enabled, as I am still working on it.
More on the SQL Database system later.
0.9.559 Beta
30 July 2013
- Fix: Conversion error km <> miles in Object Edit and
LKP Edit.
- SAR Only: Added distance to IPP/LKP Circles.
Version 0.9.558 Beta
30 July 2013
- Fix: LKP Circles would not re-transmit data correct
after restart.
- Fix: Icon will now be decoded on a raw NMEA packet
- SAR Only: New 'Add Coordinates' windows for Lat/Long and NZTM in 'New
LOG Entry'. (UTM not changed)
Fix: In SAR mode, SARTrack will now block any attempts to add Objects
with the same Object Name or Tactical name, but with a different Case.
So an Object with a name of "MyObject" will be considered the _same_ as
"myobject". In HAM mode these are _different_ objects (according to the
APRS protocol). This will fix problems with the SAR Operations Log,
when (Team) References are generated as Objects, but the operators will
type the name in a different way ("Team 1" vs "team 1") which would
cause two different Teams 1 to appear in the system.
Version 0.9.557 Beta
26 July 2013
- Fix: OSM Overlays rendering improved
- Fix: Objects "Remove" renamed to "Hide" and fixed a situation where
they where Deleted instead.
- Fix: AGW Packet Engine: longstanding issue with Transmit data.
- Fix: Written a work-around for Import GPX files without a proper
"name" in the WayPoints.
- SARTrack can now decode RAW NMEA packets, but as these do not have an
ICON, a default APRS Icon of "Human Person" is used.
- SAR Only:
IPP/LKP Statistical Rings now include Dispersion Angle lines and
'Travel Circle'. Please
try it and give me some FEEDBACK.
0.9.556 Beta
21 July 2013
Fix OSM Map: "Map Type" Menu now properly updates after "Generate New
OSM Maps" from INI files. New added Maps will now show immediately in
the Menu.
- Fix OSM Map zooming: Some download threads where not cleared during
zoom, causing extra delay during map tile downloads.
0.9.555 Beta
20 July 2013
- Fix: Jump_To_Location did not work in NZTM mode.
- Fix: Messages window did not refresh after Delete.
- Fix: Various issues with Object Altitude and RadioRange. (Can now do
both at the same time)
- New: You can now (finally) PRINT the Map of the Map windows.
Right-click on Map, select Print Map.
SAR only: Changed button name "Area" to "Line" on Maps. This is a
multi-part line which can be used to draw Search Areas or tracks on the
Maps. You must enter a unique name for each Line. You can now
change the ICON attached to the Line.
- SAR only: Operations
Log/Options now lets you load a previous Operation, including Log,
Stations, Objects, Messages and TimeLine. This will suspend
current Operation. Please report any problems with this. (It is not
compatible with earlier versions)
- Tracks: SARTrack can now save
all Station and Object Tracks on program close, and reload them on
Startup. This option is by default _enabled_ in the SAR mode, and by
default _Disabled_ in HAM mode. You can change this in Setings/Map.
Please note that when old Tracks are loaded on startup, the next
Trackpoint received will cause a line between the last known position
and the new location of the Station or Object. Even if they are on the
other side of the country by that time. Therefore this option is NOT
recommended for normal HAM use, and during SAR use, the Tracks wil be
cleared and backed-up (together with all Databases) when a
Search operation is started.
Version 0.9.554 Beta
13 July 2013
- Fix in Objects window: Some popup Menu items where not enabled.
- Fix in Overlay database: Stations and Object where not cleared on Map
when Deleted.
- Fix DistanceBar and RadioRange incorrect in some zoom levels.
- Fix OSM BulkDownload which was broken.
MouseWheel system: MouseWheel now works when the mouse is hovering over
a Map or List, without having to click on it first. SO: Whatever is
under the Mouse, will react to the MouseWheel, regardless if that
window is on Top or not.
- OSM Map Zooming: Prevented Mousewheel Zoom to lag behind on slower
PC's (Optional: See Setup/Map).
OSM Map Active Panning can now be changed in Setup/Map. When enabled,
will render the Map while Panning(Dragging), but won't work well on
slow PCs.
- OSM Download Threads can are by default increased from 4
to 8, but can now be changed in Setup/Map. This sets how many
connections are used simultaneously to the OSM Map Servers. If you
expercience missing Tiles, you can change this back to 4, as it is
possible some OSM Servers may not accept so many connections.
- Improved OSM Map zooming system.
SAR Version: New IPP/LKP/PLS Ring system, based on the International
Search and Rescue Incident Database, and specifically the book"Lost
Person Behavior" by Robert J. Koester ( http://www.dbs-sar.com/LPB/lpb.htm
) You can enter the data direct from the book, depending on the
selected sitation. On the main Map, right-click and select
"Create IPP/LKP Circles).
I really would like some
feedback from you on this new feature. Any extra bits I could add?
Version 0.9.553 Beta
25 June 2013
Rebuild the internal Overlay database structure. This makes it possible
to overlay new types of items on the Maps, and to save Tracks. Also
improved performance.
- Waypoints on Tracks have now more
information. Right-click on Track Waypoint for information. Waypoints
become visible as round dots on the track, once you zoom in far enough.
- Bug fixes in TimeLine system
Version 0.9.552 Beta
17 June 2013
- Updated the Edit Object form, now also corrected for HAM/SAR use and
Metric/Imperial/Nautical entry fields.
- Operations Log windows will now also respond correctly to arrow-up
and arrow-down keys (click once on window to activate)
0.9.551 Beta
16 June 2013
- Major improvment in OSM Map Zooming. Much finer zoom levels. Zoom
Buttons in top-left corner now keep zooming while depressed.
Improved OSM Map panning (See the Options menu in the OSM Mapwindow),
but requires significant CPU. By default disabled. (Feedback welcome)
Object Add form now includes Altitude or Radio Range. You can now
generate Objects with a Radio Range circle. See note below regarding
the SAR Version, which now deals with Object Range differently.
- Search Areas from remote stations are now also saved between sessions.
In the Operations Log screen, the mouse-wheel will now scroll through
the Log entries, while displaying the Body of the message immediately
at the bottom.
- The Standard Operations Log screen can now be
sorted by column, but will revert back to sorted by Time when a new log
entry comes in.
- In the Log_Entry forms, the Reference field pull-down list is now
saved between sessions, for the specific SAR Operation.
EXPIRIMENTAL: Added LKP/PLS circles on Map. Note: These are based on
the HAM Radio "Radio Range" circles. This means that in the SAR
Version, they are now drawn differently than in the HAM version. HAM
users should NOT be using the SAR version, else many things will not
work as a HAM would expect. To draw LKP/PLS circles on the OSM Map
window, select "Create Object" and set the LKP/PLS Range for circles on
the Map. This feature is not finished, and will be improved later.
Comments welcome.
- Multiple small improvements in the Log areas.
- Small fixes in various areas.
Version 0.9.550 Beta
2 June 2013
- Bug fix in Local Maps.
0.9.549 Beta
30 May 2013
Changed all Databases to use UTC (GMT) internally. This was a leftover
from the time SARTrack was only used in New Zealand. This fixes the
problem of SAR Log entries from outside the local TimeZone to display
at the wrong local time (NOTE: Your existing Database entries will show
an incorrect Time, until they are Updated by new data).
- Some small improvements in the SAR Log entry forms.
- Removed the PATH options from the Messages windows; They are now set
- Removed "Two-Way-Traffic" and "Enable Igate" from TNC (Modems) Setup.
They are now set internally.
Added check for correct PassCode in Setup/APRS_Server. It will now
reject an invalid PassCode, unless it is set to "0" (which means, it
will connect in "Receive Only" mode).
- Fixed bug when changing the SAR Group ID in the Setup.
- Fixed bug where duplicate Messages would show up for 'Local SAR
- Updated the Help file in the SAR Operations Log area.
Version 0.9.548 Beta
25 May 2013
- Changed the way OSM-User.ini file is created during first install and
- Fixed several bugs in Log windows
- Added Radio Channel to SAR Log Export files.
0.9.547 Beta
22 May 2013
- Fix in Messages window: Clear Group checkbox after send.
- Fix in Stations window: "Last Min's" was not updated
New: SAR Log now has new field "Radio Channel" on request. This is
disabled by default, but can be enabled in the Options Menu. The Radio#
field can only be added from the RadioOps Entry form.
- New: SAR Log
Bulletin window. This window will show the LAST Log Entry entered for
the selected Reference. The References are in many cases the Team
names. Every time a new log Entry is entered relating to this
reference, it will be updated on the Log Bulletin.
Left-Click will open Info window with full information.
Access the Log Bulletin from the main SAR Log window. Please
read more on this in the SAR Mailing list.
WARNING: Due to the extra Log
field, the SAR Log
of this version of SARTrack in incompatible with earlier versions.
Please update ALL your SARTrack computer to this version!
Version 0.9.546 Beta
17 May 2013
NEW: Local Filter changed. The Local Filter, which can filter all
incoming traffic by Callsign, just like the APRS Server filter, has
been improved.
It has been moved from Setup/General to Setup/SAR and is now only
available in the SAR version.
can now make as many Filters as you wish, each with its own Filter
Name. Each filter can have as many (part of) Callsigns as you want. So,
you can have one which includes all Callsigns of your SAR Group, and
another which filters other callsigns.
You can now quickly change between Filters.
By default, the Local Filter is now disabled. If you currently use the
Local Filter, you must activate it first in Setup/SAR.
The Help file for this section has been updated.
Version 0.9.545 Beta
16 May 2013
- Fixed bug in Stations windows: Timeout Stations where not displayed,
and they should.
- Removed special Bulletin message. Bad idea.
New option: Setup/Maps: "Show Tracks by default". This option, enabled
by default, will allow you to disable rendering of Tracks when new
Stations or Objects are received. When you disable this setting, no
Tracks will be rendered on the Maps, unless you right-click on a
Station or Object, and select "Show Track", or when you select "Show
All Tracks". By NOT rendering ALL mobile stations, less CPU time will
be used in cases when there are a LOT of mobile stations. If there are
only a few mobile stations, there will be no performance difference.
0.9.544 Beta
16 May 2013
- Fixed some issues during installation
NEW: Broadcast of Message Bulletins. You can now broadcast Message
Bulletins on a regular basis, which can be viewed on any APRS client
which has a 'Bulletin Board' window. They also show up in the normal
Message window, sequentially. Access from the Message window.
- New:
I have added an option, enabled by default, which will add my callsign
"ZL4FOX" to the APRS-IS filter and the Local Filters. This means that I
will be able to send you a Message... It is really frustrating if I can
see a SARTrack station somewhere in the world, but I cannot get back to
it (to help) because I never can get through the local Filter(s) used
by that station. Note: It only affects _incoming_ data from my station.
Outgoing data is never filtered. However, you can disable this in
- New: Added an option, enabled by default, that the
SARTrack station transmits a special Message Bulletin on a regular
basis. This gives me, as a developer, a way to see how many SARTrack
stations are on the air. You can disable this in Setup/General.
- Fixed several bugs in the Update program.
Version 0.9.543 Beta
14 May 2013
- Fixed final memory leak in OSM Map window.
- Fixed Icons flickering on OSM map on Station updates
- Some bug fixes and improvements in adding and removing Objects
Version 0.9.542 Beta
12 May 2013
Messages: New option GROUP messages. You can add new Group Names, and
when a message comes in for that Group, a new 'Chat window' will open
for it. Also new option in Message window to send Message to Group.
- SAR Version: Messages: New option to send (broadcast) Message to all
local GROUP, using the Group-ID.
Messages: New window "Message Bulletins". This Bulletin window will
show all APRS "BLN" Bulletins plus USR and Ausie Weather (and other)
warnings, and update (replace) them when new ones come in. You can
select what Bulletins you want to receive, and you can block bulletins
from Station callsigns.
- ** NOTE: The option to _broadcast_ Bulletins will be added next
- Various Bug fixes in Messages system.
Major performance improvements in the Stations and Objects windows.
Tested it with 2500 Stations in the list, now works really fast. At
5000+ Stations however (full world feed) , things start to go wrong :)
Do make sure you Filter properly, and set the Stations and Object
Timeouts to usefull values. You really should have no more than a few
hundred Stations in the list.
- Bug fix in Setup: New APRS Server.
- Bug fix in OSM Maps system. Some memory leaks plugged (when switching
between Maps).
NEW button in top-left corner of all main Windows: Bring open Window to
front. This will enable you to find any open Window back which is
hidden behind others or minimized, and bring it to front. This includes
any Chat windows, which are shown by chat-name.
Version 0.9.540 Beta
4 May 2013
- Added Search and Rescue TimeLine window to SAR Log
- Added memory and CPU monitoring in Debug system
- Changed activation system (on first SARTrack install) to cover for
SAR Group options. All SAR
groups need a Group ID.
Changed SAR LOG system in preparation of the new SQL Operations
Management system. New Encrypting system and special Group ID for all
SAR groups.
- SAR Log: Automatic entries now use Tactical callsigns for Stations
and Objects.
- Fixed intermittant issues with OSM Map Tiles in wrong position
- Fixed Maps startup sometimes in wrong location.
- Small fix in AGW engine interface.
- Fix in TCP client and server (unicode removed).
- Fix in Map windows not properly clearing removed Tracks.
- Fix in Message system. Some Messages would not show up in list.
- REPLAY system will now de-activate all Live databases during Replay,
and reload them on after Replay is closed.
- Added new button at top-left of all windows, to Show Main Menu when
it is hidden or minimized.
Version 0.9.538
17 April 2013
- Bug fix: OSM Map window would lose last position and would default on
start-up near Greenland...
Bug fix: Canada Toporama Server caused incorrect Map Tiles to be
displayed, due to a bug in the Toporama Server itself. Installed a
work-around for this problem.
- Some more improvements in the OSM download system.
- Solved intermittant problem OSM Map window getting confused after
Version 0.9.537 Beta
17 March 2013
- Fixed multiple issues with the AGW Engine interface
Fixed issue with Kenwood radios which are transmitting an illegal
character after a Message ACK, so Messages did not get acknowledged.
0.9.536 Beta
16 March 2013
- Improved Zooming in OSM Map window
- Various bug fixes
- Important Bug fix in Debug Report (incorrect Email password fixed)
Version 0.9.533 Beta
11 March 2013
- Fixed Own Station not showing on Maps (now correct)
- Small fix in Digipeat system
- Fixed bug in Message to RF
Version 0.9.532 Beta
9 March 2013
- Fixed Tactical not showing in Object list
- Fixed Own Station not showing on Maps
- Fixed some issues with Digipeating
- Fixed GPX file decoding. Would fail when no Altitude present.
- GPX Track decoding now adds Objects when a Comment on Track Point.
0.9.531 Beta
4 March 2013
- Bug fix in Object Edit, did not update Timeout and date.
- Added "Permanent Object", which will not time out.
- Several improvements in interaction between Objects and SAR LOG.
0.9.530 Beta
21 February 2013
- Bug fixes
in Map windows
- Improved faster Zooming in OSM map window
- On startup, SARTrack will now open Map windows where open when
SARTrack was closed last time.
0.9.529 Beta
20 February 2013
- Important
Bug fix in decoding Kenwood FleetSync radios.
Version 0.9.528 Beta
20 February 2013
- Some more
improvements in decoding Kenwood FleetSync radios.
- Small Update of the Update program.
0.9.527 Beta
20 February 2013
- Improved the rendering of Tracks.
- Fixed 'hide all tracks' not working
- multiple fixes in the Objects updating Icons and Tactical.
- SAR: Added "Block Station" in Priority Alarm system. Will permanently
stop a station of generating Alarms.
- Fixed bug in Google Map window.
Changes to the Object system. Objects can now act like Stations, with
multi-color Tracks, timeout on Label, and more. Required for:
Mode only: Added decoding of Kenwood FleetSync Radios. The GPS location
transmissions of the Kenwood FleetSync radios are converted to Objects,
and broadcast over the APRS network. All other SARTrack PC's will show
these as if they where actual Stations, including Tactical callsign,
multi-color tracks, and timeout on Label. Later a two-way messaging
system will also be added.
All SAR Groups: If you use these radios, please let me know.
Please read
additional information on the SARTrack
0.9.526 Beta
16 February 2013
Critical bug fix introduced in version 0.9524. If you currently are
running version 0.9524, the Update may not work. Just download the
latest installation package here and
install over the top of the current installation.
0.9.524 Beta
15 February 2013
Rebuild the "Search Area' drawing and transmit system. You can now draw
a Polyline of 26 points, and transmit this to all other SARTrack
- Rebuild the _SAR_ function: Request Update for Search
Areas, Objects and Trackers. On request, all other SARTrack stations
will broadcast their known Tactical calls, Track Colors and Search
Areas so all connected SARTrack stations will have the same information
and overlays on the Maps. Button on all Map Window Menus ("Update")
when in SAR mode.
- In SAR mode, all Objects will now be transmitted with a Track Color.
- Added Distance Measure tool. Finally...
- Fixed bug in MessageChat system.
Fixed bug in Setup/Timeouts where Object Expiretime was swapped with
Area expire (Please confirm your Expiry & Timeout settings in
- Fixed bug where double-click on Maps window top (to maximize) would
cause maps to dissapear (Yes Max...)
- Improved Automatic Server connection (To SARTrack local server) and
added extra confirmation when selected.
- Moved all REPLAY files to a sepparate directory in
..\Documents\SARTrack\Replay\ to clean up the directory.
- Replay system
is now by default disabled
in the HAM version and enabled
in the SAR version. Disabling will improve performance (and diskspace)
when a lot of traffic comes in. You can change this in Setup/General.
Version 0.9.523 Beta
8 February 2013
- Added new feature: Import GPS Tracks and Waypoints from GPX file.
Under Map windows/Options.
- Bug fixes in the OSM map window; Local Maps did not display.
Version 0.9.522 Beta
6 February 2013
- Added new on-line Map: New Zealand Topo
- Added option: Bulk-download of OSM tiles (SAR version only)
- Improved flexibility in User-configurable OSM maps (read
OSMMaps-User.txt in Document directory)
- Added new examples directory on the server,
with lots of extra OSM-compatible maps.
- General improvements and fixes
Version 0.9.521 Beta
2 February 2013
- Added new Maps: USA Aero Maps, USA Weather Radar Overlay (1 minute
automatic updates)
- Performance improvments in OSM downloads.
0.9.520 Beta
1 February 2013
- Added new Maps: USA Forest Service, Overlay USA Contours
Added new User definable OSM configuration file, including more Map
examples which I cannot supply officially. Read the Forum en Help file
for more information.
- Added new OSM Option: Re-generate OSM
Database. This will generate a new database from OSM Tiles already on
disk. It makes it possible to _merge_ the OSM directory from multiple
- Added OSM Setup option: Select which OSM Maps to appear in the
Map-Type Menu. (Options/Map Setup)
0.9.519 Beta
29 January 2013
- Rebuild of OpenStreetMap Tile system
- Added capability to use Transparent Maps
- Added U.S.A. Topographical maps (TopOSM) (3 Layers)
- Added 3 OSM Cycle maps (1 Topographical - Whole world- Very good)
- Added Hill Shading Overlay (selectable)
- Added SeaMap transparent Overlay (selectable)
- Added Marine Map Overlay (USA area, Selectable)
- Added improved Copyright description on Maps, OnClick will open
relating Website.
- Added On-Line/Off-Line option on OSM Map window. Will stop attempts
to download Tiles when not on Internet
- Performance improvements on OSM Maps display
- Fixed potential COMport conflict between TNC and GPS
- Fixed Track of Object not deleted on Delete Object.
Version 0.9.518 Beta
9 January 2013
- Fixed bug in Telemetry form
- Fixed bug Speed changing to zero after Telemetry data received
- Minimize [A]LL windows will now minimize to Taskbar.
- Major upgrade of the Messages system. Now has sepperate windows for
each Chat, and included Emoticons (Smilies) :)
- General improvements and fixes
0.9.517 Beta
23 December 2012
- NZ Map window: Fixed track color incorrect while zooming.
- Added NZTM and Lat/Long entry from SAR Log entry window.
- Added decoding of PHG Range data
- Added Telemetry Decoding
- Made IGATE fully compatible with APRS-IS standard.
- Updated the TNC file.
Please check your TNC settings!
- General improvements and fixes
Version 0.9.516 Beta
28 November 2012
- Fixed kenwood D700 / D710 TNC
Version 0.9.515 Beta
21 November 2012
- Added Transparent Map Overlay option in OSM window.
- More debug info in TNC terminal
- Fixed bug in Replay
Version 0.9.513 Beta
20 November 2012
- Improved Replay system
- Fixed bug with TNC Serial port connection.
Version 0.9.512 Beta
18 November 2012
- Bug fix: some Weather Stations where not decoded.
- Bug fix: SAR Auto log did not log some activities.
- TNC Terminal: improved options. Use this to get your TNC / Kenwood
radio to work.
- TNC: exit KISS on close.
- Other minor bug fixes
Version 0.9.511 Beta
17 November 2012
Added Weather Station option. SARTrack can now be used as a Weather
Station, based on a standard Weather File which must be generated by
the software which comes with the Weather Station hardware.
- Added user selectable Track Width for all Tracks on the screen
Added option to use UTM coordinates at various places in the program.
To use UTM instead of NZTM or WGS84, change the Default Setttings in
- Added option to enter coordinates in the SAR Log,
which can be transmitted as an Object. This function currently only
works in UTM, other systems will ba added next update.
- Added Tracks to Overlays. Previousely, a moving Overlay did not have
a track.
TNC Commands must now have the end-of-line characters in the TNC
Commands itself. They
are no longer added internally by the program. This means you must
change your TNC settings to include ^M^J at the end of all commands.
Some TNC's need this the other way around.A New tncs.txt file can be
downloaded from the sartrack website.
- Added TNC Terminal (Start from Setup/TNC). This will enable you to
test your TNC. Note: This is not quite finished yet.
Version 0.9.510 Beta
2 November 2012
- Better protection against bad Map data during a Re-Scan Maps from
local map files.
- Now showing UTM Coordinates at bottom of Map windows, and on the
Mouse Coordinates
- New option on Maps/Google Maps: Show Grid. Currently only UTM grid,
more later.
- Fixed potential crash in Windows XP, when OSM download thread failed.
Version 0.9.509 Beta
27 October 2012
BUG fix: Rare situation where during OSM / Toporama Map Tile download,
the HTTP server would Close the connection, causing an aborted Tile
This would cause missing tiles on the screen. This update fixes this
Version 0.9.508 Beta
26 October 2012
BUG #3 Windows XP computers only would hang when switching Maps and
closing the program. This is now finaly fixed... Sorry for the
Also fixed incorrect Toporama init string first time it is used. If
Toporama does not show any maps, In the Map window, go into Options,
select Maps Setup. Then change the Toporama settings (Tick all options)
and OK. After that, Toporame should work correctly.
Version 0.9.507 Beta
26 October 2012
BUG fix: Program would hang on exit, due to OSM/Toporama
Threads not terminated yet. Program will now wait for that.
Version 0.9.506 Beta
26 October 2012
- BUG fix: The Filter button in the Stations window was
opening the wrong Menu.
- Improved the coordinate limits of the Toporama Map window.
Version 0.9.505 Beta
25 October 2012
- Added Canada Toporama Maps.
These will be downloaded and saved per Zoom level, just like the OSM
maps, and will be available off-line afterwards.
You can now change the Directory for the local Maps. For example, set
it directly to UI-View Maps directory. Or, switch between different
local Maps. The Database resides in the selected directory.
- Cleaned up the Options menu in the Map windows. Now consistent 'Show'
instead of 'Show this and Hide that' :)
Fixed bug where Gateway Stations would not expire and stay on the maps
(yellow). (You may need to clear the database to get rid of them)
- Added option in Stations window: Delete all stations.
- Added option in Map windows and Stations window: Delete (single)
Keep an eye on the Options and
Settings as there often are new additions.
Version 0.9.504 Beta
20 October 2012
- Rebuild the SAR LOG database system, and changed the way data is
LOG entries can now use the full 255 characters allowed by the AX25
protocol, so they are accepted by the APRS-IS network.
The new system is no longer compatible with earlier versions of
- Fixed some issues with the Maps window; now initializes the correct
settings on Show.
Fixed the issue of Re-Scanning new local Maps; will now accept 'bad'
formatted coordinates in the .INF files, also fixed some display
issues. Extra option in Setup/Maps (read the Help on that). Also will
no longer scan sub-directories: All Maps must be in the Maps directory.
The displayed Radio Range circles have been _halved_ in size on advise
from Bob Bruninga. This is because (after the Spec was designed) it was
found mobile stations could not get the displayed coverage.
Changed Setup/ThisStation. You can now add a Comment, separate from the
Tactical, and Altitude. If you don't want a Tactical, leave it empty.
NOTE: The Tactical is no longer fully compatible with earlier
versions of SARTrack.
When a GPS is connected, the Beacon will now transmit Altitude, Speed
and Course.
- Lots of smaller bugs fixed.
Version 0.9.503 Beta
10 October 2012
Major Update:
- Changed the TRACK system. Tracks now use a FIFO (circular) system,
with a User adjustable length.
maximum track length (in Track Points) can be selected in the
Setup/Maps Menu. If you set a very small value of 4 for example, the
moving tracker will show a 'tail' of a short track behind it.
The default value is 500 trackpoints for the HAM version, 3000 for the
SAR version.
Tracks are currently NOT saved on program exit. (later)
However, Stations screen positions can now be loaded on startup. They
will show in a special Label color, to indicate that is is the Last
Known position.
- Loading Objects or Stations onto the Map windows on Startup can be
set in Setup/Maps
- Label Color information is now at the bottom of all Map Screens. Can
be hidden under the Options button.
- Changed all references of "Markers" to "Objects". It seemed a good
idea at the time in the SAR world...
- Improved Object window (Filter options) and also added Information
field (stretch window a bit to see it)
- Fixed a NZ Topo Maps bug where it would refuse to jump or load in
certain areas.
- Some performance improvements in rendering engine.
- Right click on Station, new option "Find on Findu" (on request)
- New option in Maps: Zoom to Center instead of Zoom to Mouse position.
(on request)
- NEW: Radio Range! Now available on all Maps. Can be hidden from the
Options Menu.
- Lots of smaller bugs fixed.
Version 0.9.502 Beta
6 October 2012
- Fixed conversion issue for New Zealand users
- Fixed excesive memory use: With 1000+ stations loaded, program would
run out of memory. Now resolved.
- New OSM type map added in the main Map window. These map tiles will
also be saved for off-line use.
Version 0.9.500 Beta
5 October 2012
- The International
and New Zealand versions are now merged.
There is now only one version of SARTrack. The program will auto-detect
if the New Zealand Topo Maps and database exist, and will switch to NZ
version if they do exist. It is now also an option in the Setup menu.
- Improved registration menu and fixed bug during registration
- Some bug fixes around the startup of the Map windows.
- Made the Map station and marker/object labels smaller
- Fixed issues with markers/objects with the same name but from
different stations
- New UPDATE program is now downloaded, and should run next time.
Version 0.9.421 Beta
3 October 2012
- Bug fix Map window did not load position on startup.
- Minor fixes in Messages
- Bug fix in Markers (objects) Database; lost coords
- HAM version now disables Priority Alarm. (Setup/General)
Version 0.9.420 Beta
2 October 2012
IMPORTANT Please read: A new file is required for the identification of
Stations. The new UPDATE program can download this new datafile. So for
the new features to work, PLEASE DO ONE MORE UPDATE (in Help/Check For
Updates). This wil download the required file. Then restart SARTrack
and all should work correctrly.
- Done in this version:
- Major overhaul of the Stations window. Can now be sorted, and
filtered op callsign.
Also, SARTrack now identifies all incoming Station beacons to determine
the type of equipment being used. This is now visible in the Stations
window (Detailed version) under 'Rig'.
- SAR version or HAM Version:
This can now be selected in the Setup menu, under General. When HAM
version is selected, the SAR Log will disappear from the Main Menu, and
all automatic Logging is disabled. In later versions, more differences
between the two versions will appear.
- New Zealand version /
International Version: In the International version, the NZTopo map
button is no longer visible in the Main Menu.
- Fixed bug in decoding compressed speed (Knots <> km/h
- Fixed bug; multi-select in stacked Markers (Objects) did not work.
- Added more decoding of APRS Extensions
- More small fixes.
Version 0.9.419 Beta
28 September 2012
- Message ACKnowledge is fully compatible, now includes REPLY-ACK.
- Stations window: Fixed bug. (Will be improved next version)
- Icons: Now have a circle around OWN Station and Markers(Objects)
- Fixed NZMapwindow could not be closed, would cause an error.
- Lots of smaller issues and user interface improvements
- Marker window, and Messages window improved and can now be Sorted per
Massive amount of work on the Messages database and APRS compatibility.
PLEASE report any problems you may encounter in this area. This is the
first step to a greatly improved Messages user interface.
- Also more work done on the Marker (Object) system.
Version 0.9.418 Beta
22 September 2012
- Completely rewritten the Marker (Object) system.
- Own Markers are now transmitted in a user-defined interval.
- User interface completely rewritten and improved.
- Warning when attempt is made to change other station's Markers
- Internal overhaul of the Stations system.
Settings: TNC and AGWPE now have "Allow Repeat" option. Makes it
possible to use them for own outgoing data, without repeating data from
APRS server.
- Fixed bug which limited Messages to 100... New Messages system in
- Lots of small fixes and improvements
Version 0.9.416 Beta
17 September 2012
- Major update of the MIC-E decoding. Now is up to spec 2012, decodes
Station hardware, Altitude, DAO, and much more.
- Station Display is now sorted on Callsign (More later)
- Station Display now shows Information, instead of the raw data.
- Station Detail window now shows Hardware, Voice frequency and raw
Markers (Objects) made fully compatible with HAM system, while
retaining special SAR features like extended Label name (43 characters)
- lots of small fixes.
Version 0.9.415 Beta
14 September 2012
- Improved Editing of Markers (Objects). If user not OWNs
the Object, will ask first.
- Fixed Overlay characters not showing on Markers (Objects)
- Improved readability of Overlay characters
- New option in Maps: Hide Labels. Also hide labels above Zoom level 7.
0.9.413 Beta
12 September 2012
- Fixed incorrect decoding of Mic-E encoded data AGAIN.
Now it is right.
Version 0.9.412 Beta
11 September 2012
- Fixed incorrect decoding of Mic-E encoded data, in a 9 degree area,
West Longitude only.
Version 0.9.411 Beta
11 September 2012
- Fixed Altitude not decoded in Comment after compressed
- Own Station and location will now show up in list and map.
- Fixed critical bug where compressed Lat/long where not decoded
Version 0.9.409 Beta
9 September 2012
- Fixed critical error with LocalServer not working
- Fixed multiple issues with Messaging Ports and Paths
- Added new ToCall of 'APSARxx' allocated by Bob Bruninga
- Updated Update program for better User interaction.
Version 0.9.408 Beta
7 September 2012
- Fixed Callsign check starting with a number
- Fixed bug when TNC commandos send for KISS mode. Got mixed up with
KISS data already being send to TNC.
- Fixed critical bug where TNC KISS data did not decode SSID properly.
- Added warnng when connecting to an APRS-IS server without Filters
- Fixed Radio Paths WIDEn-N when working as an Igate. Now correctly
Version 0.9.407 Beta
6 September 2012
- Added TNC database system
In SETUP/TNC you can now select a TNC out of the database. You can
download this database from the SARTrack website.
your TNC does not exists, you can add a new one. In that case, you have
to add the commands required to put your TNC in KISS mode.
If this works, you can then email your update TNC database to SARTrack,
so other users can also use it.
Changed the Timeout system. All timeout are now stored in the .INI
file, and the default timeout for Unknown stations is changed from 1
hour, to 24 hours.
This means the Labels will not turn yellow on
Unknown station until 24 hours have passed. You can EDIT any station
and change the default settings.
Version 0.9.406 Beta
4 September 2012
- Fixed bug where off-line maps, and map outlines where not displayed
Version 0.9.405 Beta
3 September 2012
- Minor bug fixes
- Added Radio Path Setup (Setup/General)
- Added Change Baudrate for TNC connections
Version 0.9.404 Beta
1 September 2012
- Minor bug fixes
- Improved Weather Station data: Now can open unlimited Weather Station
- Fixed bug in Update program, which did not work in countries where a
"," comma is used as decimal seperator.
Version 0.9.403 Beta
31 August 2012
- Improved reconnecting speed after Server connection failure
- Improved automatic connection (Now works on all Interfaces)
Version 0.9.402 Beta
29 August 2012
- Fixed critical bug with Tracking
Version 0.9.401 Beta
28 August 2012
- Fixed long standing issue with connections to APRS Internet servers.
- Improved Weather Station decoding (click on Weather Station, select
Weather Data)
Version 0.9.400
International beta
24 August 2012
- Much work done, performance improvments, debugging.
- Added Weather Station decoding (click on Weather Station, select
Station Details)
- International version in in sync with New Zealand version.
Version 0.9.300
International beta
4 August 2012
- Major rewrite of the
main Map screen. now much faster and better.
- Added Google Map window. (Internet required)
- Added OpenStreetMap Tiles. Once OSM Tiles downloaded via Internet,
then available off-line.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Version 0.9.216
International beta
10 july 2012
- Fixed error in Update
system, Updates did not work.
- Improved some Map features
- Fixed problem with Re-Scan Maps
- Fixed problem with International settings causing Coordinate decode
not to work (Netherlands)
Version 0.9.215
International beta
7 july 2012
- Fixed error in
Installation, SARTrack.exe was in the wrong directory
- Added all APRS-IS sites in Setup/APRS Server
Version 0.9.214
International beta
5 july 2012
Ongoing debugging.
Added: Distance and Atlitude Units can now be selected: Metric,
Imperial and Nautical. (New: Miles, Nautical miles, Feet)
Added: Local filtering of incoming station data.
Version 0.9.211
International beta
27 june 2012
Ongoing major debugging
in many areas.
Version 0.9.201
International Beta
3 June 2012
First buggy version of the International version of SARTrack
Version 0.9.100 Beta
28 May 2012
Expiry Update only. A complete new version is in development.